- H1 FY24 revenue and earnings broadly consistent with Q4 FY23 and inline with AGM commentary.
- Normalised EBITDA of $114 million achieved with net profit after tax (before significant items) of $25 million – trading in January 2024 is in-line with H1 FY24.
- Continued progress on remediation in the period – Remediation Plan approved in Queensland.
- Proposed NSW casino duty rate uncertainty resolved – new arrangements remove considerable uncertainty introduced in December 2022 and protect the jobs of thousands of Sydney team
members. - Debt refinancing and equity raising completed – all existing debt cancelled with new debt secured on more favourable terms to The Star.
- Queen’s Wharf Brisbane litigation with Multiplex settled – expected phased opening of the property from August 2024.
- Sale of Sheraton Grand Mirage completed – proceeds of $56 million generated.